Ste. Genevieve County Faces Major Revenue Shortfall Due to State Law

Ste. Genevieve Co., Mo. (KFMO) - A state law that took effect last year has significantly reduced the tax revenue Ste. Genevieve County receives from the state of Missouri.

The 2023 law included provisions that removed local sales tax from any business involved in energy production, including the mining industry—a major source of revenue for the county. As a result, the county is facing an $800,000 shortfall in revenue.

This unexpected decrease has forced the county to implement severe spending cuts in an effort to manage the budget until the issue is resolved. The county is considering legal action, as officials believe the law may violate the Hancock Amendment, which restricts state government spending and requires voter approval for significant tax increases.

In response to the revenue shortfall, the Ste. Genevieve County Commission recently voted to reinstate taxes on energy production, including mining operations, in an attempt to recover lost funds.


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