State of City Addresses Homelessness

(Farmington, MO) The issue of homelessness is being addressed in the city of Farmington and members of the Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce were given an update on the State of the City at Thursday's monthly chamber business luncheon. Mayor Larry Forsythe was first to speak saying the number of homeless individuals is growing and it can effect anyone.

Farmington City Administrator, Greg Beavers, says the East Missouri Action Agency spent about $400,000 last year, in St. Francois County, to house people who, for one reason or another, were considered homeless.

Beavers and Forsythe also talked to the crowd about the importance of the public safety sales tax issue on the November ballot for the city of Farmington. It would benefit the Police and Fire Departments. Infrastructure improvements for coming year were also a highlight of the presentation at the Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce meeting.


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