Missouri Man Convicted of 2011 Double Murder Dies in Prison

Potosi, Mo. (KFMO) - Gary Stevens, a Missouri man convicted for the 2011 murders of his sister and brother-in-law, passed away on Wednesday at the Potosi Correctional Center in Mineral Point. He was 72-years-old.

The Missouri Department of Corrections confirmed Stevens' death, stating that he was pronounced dead shortly after 1:35 p.m. The cause of death appears to be natural.

Stevens had been serving a life sentence for two counts of second-degree murder after originally facing charges of first-degree murder for the killings of 50-year-old Mary Lewis and 57-year-old Dennis Lewis. To avoid a death penalty trial, Stevens accepted a plea deal, resulting in reduced charges.

The murders occurred on March 1, 2011, when Stevens fatally shot Mary and Dennis Lewis with a .22 caliber rifle at their home in Dent County. Their disabled daughter was present in the home at the time of the incident.

Stevens pleaded guilty on May 2, 2012, and was transferred to Potosi Correctional Center on May 7 of that year.


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