CWD Deer Hunting Period Stats

(Jefferson City, MO) Preliminary data from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) shows hunters harvested 11,705 deer during the state's new chronic wasting disease (CWD) portion of the firearms deer hunting season that ran November 22nd through the 26th, in CWD Management Zone counties. Of the 11,705 deer harvested, 4,707 were antlered bucks, 1,074 were button bucks, and 5,924 were does. According to MDC, the CWD portion was timed to occur during the end of the primary rut when deer movement is typically good and hunter interest remains high. MDC initiated the new portion to increase deer harvest in the CWD Management Zone to help slow the spread of the disease. The CWD Management Zone included the Parkland counties of Bollinger, Crawford, Jefferson, Madison, Perry, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, and Washington. Archery deer hunting continues through January 15th, 2024. The late antlerless portion of firearms deer season runs December 2nd through the 10th in open counties and the alternative methods portion will occur December 23rd through January 2nd, 2024.


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