(PARK HILLS, MO) - A Park Hills man has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography after Microsoft alerted The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, 63-year-old Tony Hastings of Mill Street in Park Hills, was charged with a Felony B Possession of Child Pornography and is being held in the St. Francois County Jail on a $30,000 bond.
If Hastings posts bond he will not be allowed access to the internet, must have GPS monitoring, and have no contact with anyone under the age of 18. He will also not be permitted to be on the property of any school, daycare, public park, playground, or public pool. Hastings lives within a mile or so of Central West Elementary.

Troopers say the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received information from Microsoft that a specific IP address had accessed child pornography on five separate occasions. The statement also indicates Hastings admitted to investigators that he finds 12-year-old females attractive.
Four computers in Hastings' home contained child porn to the tune of 146 obscene images that show a female who appears to be under the age of 18 in various stagers of undress. Also, one file that shows a female between the ages of 14-16 in the nude in the backseat of a vehicle, another file shows a different female between ages 14-16 lying in bed in her undergarments, a third file shows a nude female between ages 14 and 16 sitting on a couch, and a final file shows a nude female between ages 12 and 14 on a beach.
Troopers say public information records revealed that the IP address was registered to AT&T and after obtaining an investigative subpoena, it was revealed that the IP address was registered to Hastings’ Mill Street address.